
Hangout Music Fest Internships

The Hangout Music Festival’s internship program is an opportunity for college students to earn experience and make connections in the concert and music industry. The Hangout Music Festival internship program is real work! This is not a free ticket. You will be asked to work in various departments leading up to and during the event including site operations and decor. You will be using your hands and your mind. Based on your performance during the weeks leading up to the festival, you can earn the opportunity to intern with other departments.

Internship Requirements

  • Internships are a two week program running from May 10 – May 22.
  • Every intern is required to take an orientation class and  pass an orientation test the same day.
  • Housing and meals are provided. (You are responsible for your own transportation.)
  • You must be enrolled in college and able to receive course credit.
  • Deadline to apply is March 1. All applications will be reviewed following the application deadline.


1.  You may not drink alcohol or do drugs during your internship.  If you choose to do either of these two things you will immediately be asked to leave.

2.  We take sexual harassment seriously. Any behavior that makes someone else feel uncomfortable will not be tolerated.

3.  Always wear closed toed shoes.  No heels, no flip flops.  Sneakers are the required shoe.  Remember, until we open gates, think of the festival as a construction site.

4.  Do not bring your purse or anything else large on site.  Your hands will be busy with other stuff.

5.  Put down your cell phone.  There is always something to do

6.  Wear your name tag every day.

7.  Your boyfriend, friend, or cousin cannot visit you on site every day.  We have a STRICT no visitor policy.

8.  Only certain interns will be eligible to drive golf carts. You will be required to sign a waiver and the golf cart rules.

9.  At some point you will believe the job you are doing is beneath you.  It is not. Every single job on the site needs to get done.  The better your performance of each assignment, the more “interesting” assignments you will be eligible for.

10.  Yes. You can ask as many questions as you want.  Go for it.

11.  You are going to work harder and longer than you ever have.  Your positive attitude will help you tremendously.  Also, especially if you haven’t been to the festival or you’ve never worked on a festival, at some point, you will wonder why you are doing what you are doing…we promise that everything you are doing has an important reason and you will be extremely proud when you see the end result.

12.  At mealtimes and on site in general, don’t behave like a buffoon.  We are very proud to have the best and the brightest work on our festival.  If you want to earn the respect of the festival staff be kind, respectful and aware of what’s happening around you at all times.

Apply to intern at Hangout Music Fest

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